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CLICK HERE TO Get Started With Dream Invaders! Dear Friend,Have you ever blown a walkup, maybe at the very beginning – or perhaps you had a good rapport and conversation going with the woman, and then for whatever reason – maybe God was pissed off at you that day or you got “cock blocked” or for whatever reason the seduction fell flat on its face, but you knew you’d see her again later and wished you had a way to get inside her thoughts and change her mind about you…Or maybe you’ve secretly wanted that special girl who just wasn’t available or interested, and you just wished you had a way to get past her conscious mind’s filters and communicate directly with that part of her mind where she gets aroused and attracted to someone…I’ve been there too, what I’m about to tell you might be shocking, but IT CAN BE DONE!In fact, it’s even possible to attract (and sleep with!) women you might have blow it with the first time you tried to seduce them.If your girlfriend is just teetering back and forth between resisting and wanting to shove your love wand deep inside her, there’s something that can help get past her barriers and resistance so she just can’t help herself and has to be with you..My name is Jim Knippenberg, and I’ve used the skills I’m about to tell you about to meet women in public, to get women at places I hang out at to become interested in me (and ask ME out!), and even get women online to meet me. (And make out and go to bed with me on the first date!) And your Age difference does NOT matter! I’ve even used these secrets to meet AND SLEEP WITH a Hot 19 and 20 year olds, even though I’m in my 30′s!Oh, did I mention I’m short, fat, more than 11 years older than they were, and out of shape?Once you know the secrets of telepathic influence and once you invade her mind in such a way that she can’t tell her own thoughts from your thoughts, you’ve got an open door to arousing her in ways that seem totally natural for her to experience…Some of these secrets of remote psychic influence have been around for more than 13,000 years, but many so-called experts don’t give you all the steps you need. I’m not just gonna give you detailed information you need to make your telepathic seductions work, I’m even gonna show you a virtually “foolproof” method of dreamtime seduction. If you can go to sleep, you can get this course to work for you!These methods are REAL, and they WORK! Anyone who is willing to invest some time to do a few simple drills can get these skills to work for you! It does take some practice and effort, but that so-called “effort” is almost nothing compared to the power you’ll have with women once you know how to turn them on in this way! Telepathic Dream Invader’s is like the “Holy Grail” of psychic skills, and I can hardly wait to describe to you in all its glorious detail what you’re getting inside this course! But before I tell you just how much you’ll benefit from getting this course, let me tell you what OTHER people are saying about me and my products! “Another one most don’t know about is Jim Knippenberg. Regardless of what [other trainer's name bleeped out!] says about Jim’s work (evil work of the Devil), buy all of his stuff you can! “It is pure gold and can be easily used with Huna, with Manifestation, and with living a fun, enjoyable and productive life. “Sincerely, Dr. John M. La Tourrette” (Former “Speed Life” Trainer from Medford, Oregon. 10th Degree Black Belt, Huna Kumu, Co-Developer of UltraMind ESP Remote Viewing / Remote Influencing program, “The Speedman,” mentaltrainingsecrets.com ) “You should raise your prices!” David A., Falls Church, VA “Jim, I love your materials!” Greg Radke, Ogden, Utah And those are just a few of the comments I get! I haven’t even told you about all of the satisfied ebay buyers! And I guarantee you’ll enjoy the course! So you know when you buy it now, you’re getting real gold for your money! I won’t even tell you here about the 4 books I’ve written, the 10 training manuals, the email home study course on Psychic Close Encounters Dream Invaders, the online “Elite Inner Circle Members Only Training Area”, the CD set on How To Get Virtually Any Woman’s Undivided Attention In Just 30 Seconds Or Less! My DVD course on Using Remote Influence And Energy Influence For Having Better Sex! My DVD Course on “Overcome Your Fear of Meeting Women In Just One Evening… And Start To Become A Casanova Instead!” Or my DVD on “Forgotten Love Spells of Ancient Hawaii… Let me instead tell you about the real guy behind all those awesome materials. I mean I LOVES to eat. And even though I’m short and fat, I get women to light up like Christmas trees around me when guys half my weight and much better looking can hardly get women to give them the time of day! The first time this stuff worked for me, my eyes almost popped out of my head like on the cartoons! What I found out shocked me and I began to understand why I got turned down so many times in the past, and better yet how to fix it – and that all attraction takes place at the energy level – you can’t even get turned on unless the right energies for being turned on are there. Well what I didn’t know was women are the same way. It’s NOT their fault if they’re not turned on. They can’t help it one way or the other.But you can learn how to turn her on in ways she doesn’t even know exist!And more importantly, I’m going to show you how to turn on those wonderful energies that make women want to be with you! I figured if some short, fat “old” (I’m almost 40!) pizza junkie can do it, so can you!!!Even if you’re a “Jabba the fat,” the magic can work for you too! Let Me Show You How!Let me tell you some of what I teach you how to do in this “Psychic Close Encounters Dream Invaders” Crash Course – I pack more information in his Crash Course than you’ll find in many other people’s so-called “advanced” courses! Here’s a small taste of what you’re about to learn:Simple Dream Invader Technique – if you can go to sleep, you can do this one!The Most Important Psychic Skill You Need For Success – And How To Use It To Get What You Want!Know Ahead Of Time If She Will Be Easy To Influence Or Not So You Get The Best Results For Your Efforts!Protect Yourself From Unwanted & Accidental Psychic Attacks Against You While You Sleep!How To Build Up Nearly Irresistable Thoughts & Feelings Inside Her Mind!Common Psychic Attack People Accidentally Do All The Time, And What You Should Do Instead If You Want Her!How To Use Dreams To Get Even With The Guy Who Stole Your Woman And Those Who Done You Wrong!How To Bless And Help Those You Like And Appreciate!Accidental “Black Magick” That Happens All The Time, And Most People Don’t Know It’s Happening!And that’s just a tiny taste of what you get inside the downloadable audio mp3 file that come with the course!But Wait! There’s More… I’m also including lesson one of the email seminar I did on Dream Invader’s For Some Of My Elite “Inner Circle” Customers! Here’s just some of what’s included in that incredible session:Ever Got What You DIDN’T Want Instead Of What You Did Want? Her’s How To Fix It!Secret Strategy To Avoid Future Disappointments & Let-DownsSecret To ABUNDANCE In Whatever You Do!A Sure-Fire Way To Get Rejected By Women You Probably Don’t Know You’re DoingStupid Mistake Many Guys Are Making, Day After Day With The Women They Want To Sleep With!Just Fix This One Thing & Drastically Improve Your Results With Women!Amazing Truth About A Psychic Researcher Who Litterally FORCED His Subjects To Obey His Mental Commands!Tried Dream Telepathy Before And Failed? Discover Why Many Of These Experiments Fail – And What To Do Instead!Unleash The Power Of Hypnotic Conditioning – On Your Mind AND Her’s!Combine Your Telepathic Commands With Covert Hypnosis Tactics For A Powerful 1-2-3 “Punch!”How To Covertly Set Up Her Subconscious Mind Ahead Of Time So You Can Hijack Her Dreams At Night!Discover The Different Types Of Telepathy And How To Use Them To Get What You Want From Her!But wait! I’m not finished piling on the bonuses yet! No Sir-ee!I’ve got yet another exciting bonus for you!CLICK HERE TO Get Started With Dream Invaders! This is a manual I wrote awhile back that is chock-full of awesome information that Puts You In Charge of your life instead of “hoping and praying” that someday lady luck would smile on you… The Ancient Kahuna did not sit around, whining, whimpering, and begging their “God” for assistance. The Ancient Kahuna KNEW what they wanted and they DEMANDED that they get it! Who is at cause in your life? You? Or someone else? I don’t care what your religious beliefs are or are not. You can keep your beliefs. But maybe, just maybe, if you set them on the shelf long enough to try something else out, and have the experience of success… The only valid proof is what actually works . Here’s just a drop in the bucket of what’s included in this special report:Secret accupressure points to jump-start your psychic abilities with women!Secret Breathing Techniques of the Ancient Kahuna to Supercharge you with psychic force!How-To-Tap into Universal Laws which work for EVERYONE who knows how to use them!How most people are walking around with “half a mind,” and how to make sure you’re not making the same mistake!Black Magick “good” church people don’t know they’re doing, and how it gives them more of what they DON’T want!How to keep your family and friends from interfering with your success!And much, much more…But WAIT! There’s More! A chart with the secret energy flow that MUST be activated in order for her to like you! (If you’re attracing women WITHOUT this being activated at least accidentally, I’ll almost bet you 10 to 1 you’re not picking up nearly the quality of women you’re capable of attracting!)This knowledge alone is well-worth the entire price of the course! I’ve used this one energy flow with dreamtime influence and also while making out with women to get them to really enjoy being with you ! I’ve even used this with remote influence to get inside women who said they were not interested in having sex with me! I don’t know what results you’ll have with this knowledge , but I know this ONE piece of knowledge is worth the price of the entire course to me! It usually only gets activated “accidentally,” but with knowledge, you can use it on purpose! One thing’s for sure: Unless you’re paying a hooker for sex, it’s almost impossible to get laid UNLESS you have the correct energy attractor field activated! All this, and I still haven’t told you about the final bonus, for the first 55 people who Buy Now! This book was originally only available to my “Inner Circle” customers, but I’m making it available to you too, if you’re one of the first 55 to Buy Now. This book on Psychic Close Encounters Telepathy is a $50 value. But you can get it as a free bonus, when you’re one of the first 55 to respond to this ad right now. Here’s just some of what’s covered in this booklet:Secrets Of Telepathic CommunicationHow To Do Effective Remote InfluenceMental Telegrams To “Surgically” Implant Your Thoughts Inside Her MindHow To Set Up Covert Anchors Insider Her Subconscious MindHow To Set Up And Trigger Hypnotically Conditioned Responses Inside HerPressure Points That Assist In The Telepathic Projection Of Your IntentionTraining Drill For Mind Reading You Use In Traffic To Know What Others Will Do BEFORE They Cut You Off!Secret Way To Get Her So Turned On She Can’t Control Her Horny Urges!Two Ways To Do Remote Influence INCLUDING how to use “stealth mode” thought invadersCloud Her Mind So She Can’t Tell The Difference Between Your Thoughts And Her Own Lustful Thoughts! (I SWEAR It Doesn’t Involve Alcohol Or Date Rape Drugs!!!)But Wait! I Pack MORE Stuff Insider This Incredible Bonus Training Manual…The Best time to do psychic influenceWhat to do if they are “pre-occupied” with other thoughts or emotions that are blocking your influenceHow to use dream time to influence meetings in your favor ahead of timeHow to become more sensitive (receptive) to psychic impressionsWhy planned dream experiments between a “sender” and a “receiver” don’t work as well as normal dream telepathyHow to tell if she’s lying to you!Why coin tosses, dice rolls, and knowing which playing card someone is thinking of are all poor psychic “tests”Covert Way To Sneak In To Her Energy Field And Read Her Mind Without Ever Saying A WordKnow Ahead Of Time If She’s Ready To Kiss You!How to expand the awarenss of your physical senses and start to see / sense “invisible” energiesHow to command the use your psychic skills with online dating when you’re surfing for datesHow to avoid nut cases and wackosHow to use the way SHE thinks naturally to communicate with her subconscious mind”Muscle reading” or “Mentalism” isn’t a psychic skill, but here’s how to use it to your advantage while you make out!How to use muscle reading techniques while you “suck face” to get her to grope you first!How to combine subtle body cues with telepathic suggestions to prime her pump to get her hot & heavy for you!How to use covert language patterns to pre-condition her to open up to your dreamtime influences!How to know the best time to influence her, even if she’s on the other side of the planet!A nearly “fool-proof” method to get to the correct level of mind for telepathically sedction while she sleepsSo what’s the catch?I do ask that you agree to only purchase this course for yourself. It is NOT for resale or redistribution. When you purchase you agree that you will not resell or redistribute this course. That’s fair enough. Especially considering all the knowledge and experience you’re getting when you purchase and study and actually DO the techniques inside these materials! So how much is all this gonna “cost” you? Let’s review what you’re getting: The mp3 file from my audio CD on “The Lazy Person’s Guide To Effective Dream Invaders”. It’s not Walt Disney productions. It’s recorded and duplicated on a home computer. But you’re getting awesome information on this instant dowload mp3 for immediate access. A $29 Value Lesson 1 of an “Advanced” Dream Invader’s email I taught — at least a $30 value. Bonus #1 Report on Ancient Secrets of the Non-Local Universe You Can Use to Attract Virtually Anything You Want In Life, Including The Woman Of Your Dreams!!! A $30 Value Bonus #2 Chart of the energy field that you must have activated on yourself and in her for her to fall in love with you. I went to a seminar that cost me over $1500 bucks to attend just to learn this one! And you can even activate it and energize it with your hands while you’re making out with her! I know I have! AND, Bonus #3 for the first 55 who Buy Now, the Telepathic Home Study Manual, a $50 value. That’s at least $139 of materials JAM-PACKED with information YOU can use to attract more women into your life! But for a limited time only during our marketing test — and we reserve the right to withdrawl this offer at any time — you can buy this home study crash course on how to Secretly Seduce Her While She Sleeps… for LESS than HALF PRICE! But WAIT!There’s even more!For a limited time only during our marketing test – and I reserve the right to withdrawl this offer at any time – you can buy this home study crash course on how to Secretly Seduce Her While She Sleeps… AND GET A BONUS 59 minute video – a $97 VALUE! (by it-self worth MORE than the price of this entire course!) as my free bonus just to thank you for trying this course! The video is available in two versions – a video format for Mac users and a video format for Windows Media Player users.Buy now and get this home study course for just $49 bucks, and I’ll show you the download link to gain instant access to this incredible information!IMAGINE the power you’re going to have when you practice these skills and start to easily use them every day! So order it now while you still can! Sincerely, Jim KnippenbergCLICK HERE TO Get Started With Dream Invaders! P.S. Remember, you get the audio mp3, the lesson from Jim’s Dream Invader email seminar, the chart on one of the most important radiant energies to use for remote influence and in person to get her to fall in love with you , the bonus on Secrets of the Non-Local Universe, AND, you also get the $50 manual on telepathic communication that gives you tips and tricks to read her mind, influence her in her dreams, and even subtle tips she won’t know you’re using to unlock the animal inside her as you make out with her! Hurry and order your’s while you still can! All this PLUS the 59 minute video file (an additional $97 value!) as a free bonus so order yours today!

Previous: WARNING: These are the secrets the “Covert Persuaders” don’t want you to know!I know you came here looking for answers, so let’s keep this simple!This site is NOT like all those other hypnosis sites out there.This site will teach you something different…This site will teach you the INSANELY controversial and the most EFFECTIVE hypnosis and mind control techniques that have turned the heads of hundreds…And guess what. People are talking for a reason.But before we go any further, I must give you this warning:This is advanced mental technology. If you’re looking for “A Beginners Guide To Hypnosis” you won’t find it here.On this site you’ll find exactly how to mind control anyone you want, any time, any place, and all without them knowing.But if I reveal this information, please promise me?you will use it responsibly and you will only use it for good.Ok, so let’s get to it…My name is Cameron Crawford, and I’m about to take you on a journey into one of the most intense and one of the most influential underground secret societies that has ever existed.Here’s the story:Mind Control was never just something was interested in… It was always something I was obsessed with.For years I was looking for the?real “secrets”?of mind control but they just didn’t seem to be out there…I wanted to learn the secrets of mind control that hardly ANYONE knew about…?the secrets that would let me do stuff like:Mind Control?someone into finding me instantly attractive. Make someone instantly forget ever meeting me. Mind Control?into being so fascinated by me they can’t get me out of their mind.?I wanted to have that knowledge, the kind of power that would let me do anything.But every course, every book, every audio I could get my hands on was all the same old, outdated and rehashed information that never really taught me anything.Every single piece of information I ever found was useless.And by now you probably know what I mean, you’ve seen all those “learn hypnosis sites” out there?selling those crappy hypnosis eBooks?that are all based on the same information that was written 20 years ago.Hell, I even bought most of them…Then after going through them all and finding nothing new, I started to lose hope… and then it happened.The phone call was from a friend of mine (NONE of the people in this story will let me publish their REAL names), this friend owned and operated two auctions.And in one of his auctions someone was selling a box of old books.One of the books was an old,?hand written journal?of about 80 pages of intensely powerful information that was?the collected wisdom of an underground subculture that absolutely no one knew existed.This group had been secretly exchanging their knowledge for nearly a decade.Secretly working to turn hypnosis and mind control into a something new, something a lot more powerful.This small subculture revolved around one man who was only known as “The Professor”.He was the most worshipped persuader in this secret community.Inside the pages of the journal he spit out LONG detailed descriptions of techniques that read like algorithms of?how to manipulate social situations?and how to control anyone’s mind.A lot of the techniques in the journal, he had come up with and they were all chronicled in intimate detail right there inside those pages.The writing was filled with jargon of his own invention like:Sliders, Shells, Claws, Sniper Inducer’s, String Theory… and a whole lot more and they’d all become an integral part of this hypnosis secret society.Now I know this all sounds a bit crazy, and believe me when I first read about it I thought it was strange too.But apparently, The Professor along with around a dozen others had constantly tested?insane new ideas and perfected them for years.Inside these pages they had documented a new kind of mental technology that they called?“Dark Side?Hypnosis”.Now I have to admit, when I first started reading I was pretty sceptical…I mean after reading so many books and finding so much rehashed junk on the internet?I had become a bit of a sceptic.But the deeper I dug into the information and the more I read the more?I started to see how this stuff could really work.I finished reading the whole thing in less than a couple of hours, and by the time I was finished my heart was pounding and I was sweating…I honestly felt like my head was spinning after finally finding that this kind of?mind control?was real and it really did exist.As soon as I’d had a taste of?Dark Side Hypnosis?I needed to learn more.So there was no question about it, I had to meet the faces behind the names, watch them, find out who they were and what made them tick.So I made it my mission and my obsession to hunt down these faceless names from this “secret society” and beg them to share with their secrets with me.These people had NO CLUE who I was so why would they want to tell me anything?…And it’s not like I could just pick up the phone and call them, you know?After all …I didn’t even have a clue who any of them were.So why would they even want to talk to me?So after a few weeks of searching the internet, trying to find anything that might help me find them I told myself there was no way I could get in touch with these people… so I should just forget about it.I read those same 80 pages over and over again every night… I was so obsessed with it, even my wife started to think I was crazy.After weeks of reading the same thing over and over again my focus started to change to the?three blank pages at the back?of the journal, and what appeared to be a few pages that had been ripped out…It was then that I notice one of the blank pages had a few words of text imprinted on it so deeply into the paper they were almost embossed on the other side.The imprinted words were from what was written on one of?the pages that had been?ripped out.I could just about make out the details of what The Professor was calling?“The Dark Shadow Technique“.The first thing that came to my mind was?“Why has someone ripped this page out?”But the craziest thing was… right there at the bottom of the page, imprinted into the paper was?an email address.I couldn’t believe it.This whole time, I had an email address for The Professor right there in my hands and I just didn’t see it.I grabbed my laptop and sent what was probably the longest email I’ve ever written… to this guy I’ve never even met.I got a reply back from him in about 2 minutes.And the weirdest part was he told me he’d been expecting me and he actually hypnotized me by email!It was completely insane, and when I finally got to meet him he explained how it works. (NOBODY knows how to do this, but I’ll show you how in the course!)It’s crazy… I mean, just think for a second what you’ll be able to do once you know how to?hypnotize someone just by sending an email.It makes your life a hell of a lot easier, believe me.And before I had it done to me I NEVER would have said it was possible.But it happened. And hypnotizing someone by email isn’t even one of the more advanced techniques!This group of insanely focussed individuals had the most powerful knowledge you can ever imagine – all broken down and backwards engineered into a step by step process.It took months before The Professor fully trusted me and excepted me as one of his own, but it was all worth it and my determination paid off for both you and me.Here’s what I mean.I was so obsessed with learning this stuff and mastering these powerful techniques.I mean think about it.The Professor literally WROTE THE BOOK on?Dark Side?Hypnosis and Mind Control.He was LITERALLY the one who?invented it.I knew if I could just get close to him and beg him to teach me?my life would never be the same again.So after months of persistence and begging him to let me under his wing he finally agreed to meet me.To this day I’m sure the ONLY reason he met me was because I told him I found the Journal, and he wanted to figure out how I got my hands on this advanced mental technology in the first place.And so began the strangest two years of my life.After meeting The Professor and practically begging him for weeks, he offered to let me in on?every secret,?every technique, and?every method?of hypnotic mind control that he had developed over the last ten years.I felt like a mad scientist or something …scribbling down pages of notes about how this one guy had single handedly reinvented hypnosis.I spent the next two years?digging deeper and deeper into this secret society with a man who thought about new ways to manipulate social situations non stop.You wouldn’t believe some of the things I had to do if I told you.But all of the gruelling suffering and pain was worth it…After my training with The Professor I felt like my life was just starting…I even met a friend I hadn’t seen for a few years and he DID NOT recognise me…Not because I looked any different, but he told me that the only way he could describe it was that I have?“some kind of?insane confidence?boost and everywhere I go people just seem to love me.”And that’s not even the craziest part…Here’s what happened.So a few months after I had finished my training with The Professor I had to go on a business trip to Florida.One night after having a few drinks in the bar I ended up being a little too lose lipped about my training with this hypnosis secret society and how it was the most insane stuff I had ever seen.And there was this woman who was MEGA HOT that WOULDN’T LEAVE ME ALONE.But it wasn’t like the “good” kind of not leave you alone.It wasn’t like she was flirting with me or anything cool like that.It was just the opposite.See, all she wanted to do was hassle me about?Dark Side Hypnosis.But it wasn’t like the guys who asked me about it… she was sort of accusatory about it.She basically followed me up to my hotel room and kept saying it didn’t exist, and that I was just trying to impress everyone.So after a while I decided to?teach her a lesson.As you know, I’m married… and my wife is cool and everything, but she’s not THAT cool ;-)So I haven’t used these techniques?to seduce anybody in ages. And this is my “defense” for what happened.I thought I would use a little bit of Dark Side Hypnosis on her just to sort of teach her a lesson.All I wanted to do is get her to give me her number or something harmless so I could say, “SEE! I just used?Dark Side Hypnosis?on you and you just gave me your number. So quit bugging me.”Anyway – that was my plan.First of all?I used a slider to trigger the “Empire Man” technique?on myself to?instantly infuse my core with rock solid, unshakeable confidence.?(you’ll see exactly how to do this in the course)(This one belief altering technique will instantly let you build massively powerful core confidence. Your life will be transformed by this one technique alone.)Then I used something called?The Dark Shadow Technique, which in hindsight, was too powerful.I know you’ve never heard of The Dark Shadow Technique.This is because it’s?part of?Dark Side Hypnosis?and only a few other people in the world know it, besides The Professor and myself.Anyway, here’s what happened.I started playing around using The Dark Shadow Technique and next thing I know…SHE’S NAKED.I’m not kidding.She “miraculously” has a total change of heart about me and asks to come in to see my hotel room.When I let her in,?she starts doing a strip tease?to the music of… wait for it… ABBA.Yes.ABBA.Anyway, I want you to know I had no intentions of getting her to come up to my room and strip to ABBA songs.Like I said, I accidentally took it too far.Frankly, I’m getting a little worried because I think this type of mind control is a little too powerful.IT’S LIKE HAVING A NUCLEAR BOMB.Very bad news if it gets into the wrong hands… and that’s why I’ve been so hush-hush about it.The bottom line is this, with Dark Side Hypnosis…But only if you take advantage of this opportunity today.The reason why is… I can’t share this information with everyone, and I’ll probably be forced to take this site down some time soon.The hypnosis community is already in an uproar about my site, and I’m banned from all the forums, so I can’t be sure how much longer this offer will last.In fact, the only way The Professor would agree to let me make this knowledge public was if I:Paid him a small fortune (which I did, but it was definitely worth it and I’d do it again). Promised to NEVER reveal any of the “Dark Side Inner Circle” members true identities. Only disclose this information to a VERY small, select few individuals.? Unfortunately those “select few individuals” are piling up quicker than I thought humanly possible…Ever since I first posted about my discoveries on this website on?January 7th of 2012…17,477 people just like you have contacted me begging for this jealously guarded information.So I’ve decided to cave under the pressure A LITTLE BIT and share some of this stuff.But there’s no way I will be sharing this powerful technology with everybody who’s been in contact with me.For now I’m going to let just a?handful of people get a glimpse of it.Whilst learning under the wings of The Professor I must have written at least 1,000 pages of notes all about this powerful?form of?advanced mental technology.Since my training, which was over 5 years ago?I’ve been working?along side?The Professor and we’ve taken this whole?Dark Side Hypnosis thing to a whole new level. The techniques we’ve developed in recent years are ten times more powerful that the stuff I was taught way back when I was first?invited?into The Inner Circle.So what I’ve done is I’ve gone through every insanely powerful mind control technique that I was either taught or that I developed myself with a fine-tooth comb and with this wealth of knowledge, I’ve created The Dark Side Hypnosis Training System that can be easily learnt and implemented.I wanted other people to experience what it’s like to possess this knowledge and this power.Against my better judgment, I’ve decided to release this training for a VERY limited time.But there’s a catch…Please, whatever you do …DO NOT share these techniques with anyone.And yes, I’m being completely serious.Two reasons:This is powerful stuff that nobody’s ever seen before. If it was in the wrong hands or used in the wrong way, things could get ugly. Because this is so hard-core, and it’s something that NOBODY knows, it’s like dynamite.? Once you get you hands on Dark Side Hypnosis you can put someone into a trance INSTANTLY.And they won’t even know you’re doing anything.I’D LIKE TO KEEP IT THAT WAY.You’re about to get your hands on the EXCLUSIVE training audios that explain?Dark Side?Hypnosis and Mind Control in BRUTAL detail.I recorded these audios after my two years of training with the MASTER of persuasion…“The Professor”.I’ve become publicly known in the Inner Circle as being the Professor’s only protégé, and people are calling me “The most dangerous mind control expert in the world.”It’s truly insane… and as well as that, this is the first time in history anything like this has ever been available.And for good reason,?Dark Side?Hypnosis has been proven to be the most effective and the most powerful collection of hypnosis and mind control techniques to be invented.Myself and the professor are the only one’s who can teach you this stuff because we are the one’s who developed these devastatingly powerful techniques.We take you step by step into exactly what you need to do and we give you a word for word scripts that you can use?RIGHT NOW.When you get the “Dark Side?Hypnosis Course” you will finally be able to get your hands on the same covert hypnosis techniques that have been used in the?Dark Side Inner Circle for years…Here’s Just A Taste Of What You’ll?Discover In This Course:Plus a lot more, like…The little talked about fear every human being has… and how to use it to influence and persuade anyone you want.?(This tactic is often used by car salesmen, jewelers and other people who try and sell you stuff. And it works even?better?in everyday life.)You can even set triggers to give anyone instant amnesia so they forget any piece of information you want… Once you know how to do this you can do anything you want and get away with it.And that’s exactly why I don’t want just anyone getting their hands on this information.There are some people out there who might abuse these techniques.Before today I’ve had over 17,477 people get in touch with me begging me for this information.This is already WAY too many people and because of that I can’t make this course available for too long.I’m watching the numbers very closely and, and when I feel the time has come… this website will be taken down and?The Dark Side Hypnosis?Training System?will absolutely NEVER be available again.If you want to get your hands on these powerful techniques then don’t waste another second.But before I let you have it, let me show you this:You can get your hands on this course RIGHT NOW, today for just $297, $97.77.As soon as you place your secure order, you’ll be given access to our private?Dark Side Hypnosis Members Only Website. Your login details will be?immediately emailed to you.The reason I’ve decided to give you access to this information via the secret?members only website?as opposed to something you get in the mail is three fold:1. It keeps costs down so you won’t have to pay as much.?This saves you money.2. Nobody (including me) ever sees your address so your identity and contact info is kept strictly confidential.3. You can start using this information right now, TODAY.I’ve just added a new feature to make it even EASIER to access this intense Mind Control information…You Can Be Absorbing These Amazing Training Techniques In The Next 30 Seconds!You can order this amazing system right now and actually start discovering these “Dark Side” Training Secrets within 30 seconds… yes, that is right… WITHIN 30 SECONDS you can be mastering these rare tactics that can transform you into an advanced persuasion machine.Here’s the deal:I’ve taken?Dark Side Hypnosis and made it so that all you have to do is click the “play” button and the?audio will start playing instantly …What’s even better is there’s nothing to download or install if you don’t want to …and you don’t need any fancy programs to play it.You can listen to the audios even if you’re new to computers. It’s easy.And, you can listen to them as many times as you like …from any computer in the world!Or if you’d prefer, you can even download the entire course so you can listen to it on your computer, your mp3 player and even your?cell phone.And if you’re still unsure of whether this course is right for you then I completely understand.I’ve been where you are and I was never satisfied with what was given to me.The truth is,?99% of the stuff you’ll find on the internet is pure crap.It’s either played-out or never really worked that well in the first place.But this course is different… this is the real stuff… the real mind control techniques and I’ve designed it in a way that you can actually use it.It’s not like those other courses out there that you get and they’re just full of so much technical jargon you don’t know where to start.This is designed to be easy for you.In fact, I’m so certain you’re going to love this course. I’m so sure of it that I’m offering you the following guarantee.You won’t have to answer any questions, fill out any forms, or send anything back. Just let me know if you’re not happy and I’ll immediately give back every single penny you spent… NO QUESTIONS ASKED. Period.This means you have zero risk.So grab your copy now,?before?it slips your mind.Here’s how to order:To order with your credit card on ClickBanks 100%?secure?server, simply click on the big yellow button below that says:?“Add To Cart”.Remember, you risk?nothing.In fact, with this super-generous guarantee…There’s Simply No WayYou Can Lose!This website could be taken down at any minute, and I’m even letting you “test drive” the course risk free.There are 17,477 people desperate to get their hands on this course…But only a handful of people will ever get access to this information.Make sure you’re one of them.Talk Soon,Cameron CrawfordP.S.?I’m also offering a special bonus to anyone who purchases the course today.If you buy today, I will also include?(free of charge)?”The Looking Glass Technique”.This is EXTREMELY underground and advanced?Dark Side?Hypnosis knowledge is rare and you won’t find it anywhere else.It’s insanely powerful stuff…It’s one of the most powerful hypnosis tactics the you’ve ever seen.I had to pay an INSANE amount of money to get my hands on this information…You honestly would not believe it if I told you how much.And the catch was this: UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WAS I TO SHARE THESE TECHNIQUES WITH ANYONE.Now, there’s a chance this is going to end up being one of the worst judgment calls of my life, but I’ve decided to release this information for one day.Here’s why:As I’ve already told you, I’ve had over 17,477 desperate to get their hands on these powerful techniques.So instead what I’ve decided to do is make it available for a VERY short time…That way, only the people who are the most dedicated and the most determined will be able to get it.I’m currently planning to pull these CD’s at midnight .P.P.S.?One more thing… Please don’t tell anybody about the information on this page.The more people that find out about it the more likely it will be taken offline. Because of this I’m giving you the chance to get your hands on all of my?Dark Side Hypnosis knowledge before it’s too late.For a very?limited time, here’s what you’ll be getting in the Dark Side Hypnosis course:? The Dark Side HypnosisAudio CourseMASTERS EDITIONIntro To Dark Side HypnosisSecret Knowledge of Dark Side HypnosisAdvanced Hypnosis TranscriptThe Godfather Method?Advanced Social Circle ControlAdvanced Tactics GuideThe Authority Hijack: Becoming The AlphaStep By Step Tactical TakeoverAdvanced Tactics Guide?The Empire Man TechniqueSecrets of Instant Rock-Solid ConfidenceInstant Confidence Trigger System The Dark Shadow TechniquePowerful Knowledge of Advanced RapportAdvanced Tactics GuideThe Hidden Persuaders: Part 1Secret Knowledge of Advanced HypnosisAdvanced Tactics GuideThe Hidden Persuaders: Part 2Covert Conversational HypnosisAdvanced Hypnosis Transcript“Forbidden” 15 Minute Seduction?Step By Step GuideThe Lie Detector?Learn To Detect Lies Instantly?Full Lie Detection Transcript? THAT’S OVER 8 HOURS OF AUDIO(a?$799 value!)?Please Note: I Reserve The Right to TAKE THE ENTIRE course offline and NEVER REVEAL IT AGAIN.? This is the only place you will find this information. Since it’s very limited, I urge you not to put it off as you’re destined to regret it later.Remember, all the risk is on me.If you don’t think this is the most amazing hypnosis course of its kind, then you get every single penny back.If you decide these techniques aren’t for you, then I will INSTANTLY refund you.It doesn’t matter. I am offering you a?100% NO QUESTIONS ASKED MONEY BACK GUARANTEEbecause I believe in this course THAT much.Honestly, this is a no brainer. This will absolutely NEVER be available again, and you can even ‘test drive’ it risk free.

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